Water supply information useful to residents aned business is now available at a click of a button
The eThekwini Municipality has officially launched a dashboard, and said its aim is to provide reliable and up-to-date information, to allow water users to make informed decisions about their personal water use as well as be kept updated on government’s interventions to improve water security. The dashboard is available on the Department of Water and Sanitation’s website.
It is an initiative of the Platform for Water Secure eThekwini Working Group, in partnership with the Department of Water and Sanitation in collaboration with municipalities that are experiencing water shortages. It is supported by the 2030 Water Resources Group (WRG) at the World Bank. The water dashboard will help residents, keep track of water short their areas. Already on the dashboard, is information about the construction of the uMkhomazi Dam, meant to relieve the water situation in SA’s banana City.Also on the dashboard, is information about initiatives to reduce non-revenue water by attending to leaks, dealing with illegal connections, and prioritising the upgrading of water infrastructure.The dashboard will have new information every month for now, and later be more regular, according to a statement from eThekwini.