The Goukou galaxias, also known as the Cape Galaxias (scientific name is Galaxias zebratus) is about to be declared a new freshwater species, by researchers from the South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (NRF-SAIAB), Xiluva Mathebula, Nkululeko Zuma, Albert Chakona.
There is very little known about the Goukou galaxias, but it is a unique fish with a semi-translucent body.
It is about 70mm long.
SAIAB said the fish lives in deep pools of the upper Goukou River in the Western Cape.
According to the lead researcher of the project, Professor Albert Chakona, Chief Scientist at NRF-SAIAB, this species of fish co-occurs with two other Cape endemic species such as the Cape kurper (Sandelia capensis) and the common galaxias (Galaxias sp. nov ‘nebula’).
The use of molecular markers to assess the level of genetic diversity within Galaxias zebratus by academic researchers (Waters, Cambray, Wishart and Chakona), uncovered that although the fish is endemic to Goukou River, the fish is also found in the Gamtoos River, part of the Eastern Cape Fold Eco region.
While studies continue, it is unclear how the fish is impacted by alien invasive species and polluted water.
Picture: Supplied