The African Climate Alliance (ACA) and its partners are planning to March in Cape Town, on Human Rights Day, the 21st March 2024. 

Speaking to Earthnews365, Gabriel Klaasen Programme Manager of the African Climate Alliance, said “we will be urging leaders to urgently address the interlinking injustices we face, from energy, water, food, land, and housing, an end to gender-based violence, and a call for global solidarity.”

Klassen said the ACA consulted extensively with young people across South Africa and the continent, regarding the Integrated Resource Plan (SA’ s energy plan), and believes the youth can meaningfully influence the Just Energy Transition.
” We believe the IRP is not ambitious enough. If we are to truly persue a Just Energy Transition, that leaves no one behind, as our President Ramaphosa, mentioned in the latest, State of the Nation’s Address, the plan must address our interconnected issues, of energy poverty, load shedding, as well climate change.”

Klaasen is under the impression that the draft IRP, lacks public participation.
” It has not been accessible enough, and has not engaged young people in a meaningful way. The new draft is less aggressive than the old IRP, and is setting our country up for failure, especially the continued expansion of oil and gas, and the slow decommissioning of coal and nuclear.
We are seriously concerned as young people that the IRP doesn’t address loadshedding in the short – term and that the long-term pathways are not based on socio-economic realities.”

ACA is therefore, calling for a systems change, and wants youth, civil society, and concerned citizens from across Cape Town and surrounding towns to join efforts.

Responding to ACA sentiments, Makhosonke Buthelezi, Spokesperson, for the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, said several webinars were open to all stakeholders to discuss the IRP-23.
“Robust discussions ensued in those sessions and in addition, we extended the closing date for submission of inputs to the 23rd March 2024. Therefore, anyone or any organization that wishes to make a meaningful contribution to the Plan still has an opportunity to do so before the 23rd of March 2024.”

ACA is not the first organization to claim the IRP must be inclusive. Back in January, Business Unity South Africa (BUSA), also said the plan needs to position the country for higher levels of sustainable growth.

Picture: African Climate Alliance

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