Story and pictures: Save the Rhino

Indonesian authorities are continuing their investigation into the criminals responsible for poaching Javan rhinos, with six more individuals, including one gang leader, sentenced this week. The successful prosecutions and 10+ year sentences send a strong signal to the rest of the world, deterring potential wildlife criminals and showing Indonesia’s commitment to protecting its endangered species.

Sahru, a leader of one poaching network operating in Ujung Kulon National Park (UKNP), reportedly used homemade firearms to illegally kill Javan rhinos across the Park. On 22 January, he was given an 11-year sentence for illegally owning firearms and violating conservation laws. He was ordered to pay a fine of 100 million Indonesian Rupiah (approx. £5,000).

Speaking after Sahru’s trial, the public prosecutor shared, “The aggravating factor is that the Defendant’s actions have harmed the state, especially the Ujung Kulon National Park by causing damage to the wildlife ecosystem. The defendant’s actions do not support the Government in protecting wildlife.”

The trial of five other individuals, some of which have been directly linked to Sahru, was finalised on the same day. All five defendants received 10-year sentences with additional fines of 100 million Indonesian Rupiah per person. They were all found guilty of illegally possessing firearms and violating the conservation of natural resources and ecosystems. Three of the five defendants were also found guilty of illegally possessing machetes. These sentences showcase the power of including related charges alongside those relating directly to environmental crimes.

These cases are part of a broader investigation into the poaching of up to 26 Javan rhinos in UKNP between 2019 and 2023. Before the latest developments, only two people had been convicted for their involvement in recent Javan rhino poaching activity:
Sunendi (the younger brother of Sahru and suspected of playing a senior role in the criminal network) was given a record sentence of 12 years – the longest sentence ever given for a wildlife-related crime in Indonesia.
Yogi Purwadi, an intermediary, was sentenced to 4 ½ years for his role in illegally selling rhino horns.
In addition to holding those responsible for rhino poaching in UKNP to account, Indonesian authorities are increasingly scrutinising any illegal wildlife trade activities. In August 2024, a man was arrested for attempting to illegally sell rhino horns, two of which were identified as horns from African rhinos.

All of the arrests and prosecutions so far demonstrate the complex and far-reaching web of criminal activity surrounding rhino poaching. As a crime that links directly with the development and trade of illegal firearms, money laundering and human exploitation, it’s vital that investigations and prosecutions connect the dots and hold people responsible for the serious crimes undertaken.

We’re encouraged by the strong stance taken by Indonesian authorities on these cases. It’s vital that thorough investigations continue and those responsible are brought to justice. This is critical for Javan rhinos, and all species threatened by illegal wildlife trade, as well as to safeguard people in communities around conservation areas from the societal damage and environmental damage caused by illegal activities by serious, organised criminal networks.

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