Lepelle Northern Water (LNW) disconnected several villages in Matshelapata, Ga Makanye, Thoka Nobody Ga-Mothiba, Mamahule, and surrounding villages from the system, on Friday, the 24th January 2025.
The joint operation to tackle illegal water connections was led by Dr Phophi Ramathuba, the Premier of Limpopo, accompanied by John Mpe, the Executive Mayor of Polokwane, the South African Police Services, as well as Departments of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement, and Traditional Affairs.
Lepelle said losses on the distribution lines range between 19% and 28% every month and cost an estimated R26,464,464.00 of financial losses.
This equates to a loss of almost 392 ML/day of water.
Lepelle Water also said loss on the Ebenezer distribution line alone has increased from R1 540 405.40 in 2023 to R2 242 862.40 in the 2024 financial year.
South Africa is a water-scarce country and ranked among the top 30 driest in the world.
Report vandalism to water infrastructure in Limpopo, Contact 015 295 1900 or email vandalism@lepelle.co.za.
Picture: Supplied