Huge amounts of copper were discovered, following the collapse of a mountain at Inga Dam, in Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Kripsoo Diallo (not his real name), via the African communist social media platforms, said although massive amounts of copper were discovered inside a mountain after it collapsed on Saturday, in Katanga, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, there are enormous reserves of precious resources in that country, but there is extreme poverty and collapsing infrastructure.
“These resources have the power to develop and transfer its economy from a third world country to the first, but the management, exploitation and distribution of these assets under the umbrella of policies” said Diallo.
The DRC has the world’s 70% of cobalt, essential to power up the green economy. It is estimated at USD70 billion.
Researchers at the Howard University, have reported about challenges in the mining sector, including collapsing infrastructure, child labour, weak policies, corruption, illegal mining in the Congo basin.
It is not clear what caused the collapse on Saturday.
Picture: Yohana Mwambene