Infrastructure SA writes: Infrastructure South Africa in collaboration with the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure and GTAC hosted a successful bidders briefing for the Integrated Renewable Energy and Resource Efficiency Programme (iREREP) otherwise known as the Strategic Integrated Project 28 (SIP28).
Introduction to the Integrated Renewable Energy and Resource Efficiency Programme (iREREP)
iREREP is the official national Programme for Resource Efficiencies and Renewable Energy for Government facilities in a bid to meet sustainability targets of Government and South Africa at Large. Delivery of the Programme is anchored across the 5 key themes: centralised governance, security of supply, budget rationalization, socio-economic development, and environmental sustainability.
The Programme will be the largest programme for the procurement of renewable energy and resource efficiency for public facilities, with in excess of 3740 megawatt (MV) of renewable energy procured, attracting initial private sector capital investment of up to 387 billion.
The programme will create a high number of green jobs over the 30-year period, with in excess of 503 000 green jobs expected, as well as:
#Upskilling more than 475 000 people.
#Creating up to 13 100 new small businesses.
#Reducing GHG emissions98 megaton (Mt) per annum.