Johannesburg Water has shared more information with residents about the TID Rollover Programme.

It is a prepaid metering system that will rollover to a new TID code on the 24 November 2024.

All prepayment meters based on STS Technology will stop accepting new credit tokens because of the expiry of these vending codes (Key Revision Number).
TID is a unique token identifier that is coded into the token that you purchase from any vending point or outlet.
The TID is referenced to a base date of 1993 and will run out of range in November 2024, thus causing the prepayment meter to stop accepting new tokens.

If your meter has not been recoded, it will not accept the tokens you have purchased, which means that your meter will stop working.

All prepaid meters must be recoded from KRN 1 to KRN2.

The City of Tshwane announced on Friday, it would extend working hours to accommodate residents.
Offices will open at 8am until 5pm, at centers in Akasia, Rosslyn, Soshanguve, Wonderboom, Sinoville, Fortsig, Atteridgeville, Middestad building in the City center, Hatfield, Princess Park, Centurion, Olievenhoutbos, Refilwe, Reyton and Mamelodi.

Picture: Johannesburg Water

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