The Water Research Commission’s (WRC) latest focus is on providing research- based interventions to the water situation in the Northern Cape.

Dr Jennifer Molwanta, Chief Executive Officer of the Water Research Commission (WRC), said about this initiate, ” this follow-up engagement should be viewed as a platform to empower municipalities in the Northern Cape with research-based tools aimed at relieving water- and wastewater-related challenges experienced in the province.”

The Water Research Commission, is diving in with multiple stakeholders, including the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), Sol Plaatje University (SPU) and Frances Baard District Municipality.

The Northern Cape was selected as the first province of focus, and several needs assessment meetings were held with SALGA (South Africa Local Government Authority), Sol Plaatje University, the Office of the Premier and district and local municipalities.

Now a roadshow next week, on the 12-13 March 2024, will announce strategic interventions to accelerate change in water services, research and development in the Northern Cape.

Particular highlights include the signing of a memorandum of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to launch an Arid Water Centre.

It is a partnership between academia, the WRC and its research partners towards research and innovation programmes in the Northern Cape.

“Diversified approaches are required to balance water supply and demand. There is a need to explore such innovations at a municipal level,” said Dr Molwanta.

“Such challenges can only be solved through significant partnership and collaboration, and the WRC aims to play a catalytic role.”

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