The Energy Council of SA: “The bill will accelerate South Africa’s shift towards a modernised and low-carbon energy system, which is in line with our global peers. This has been a priority action under the Energy Action Plan.”
Policy Vault: “In a bid to liberalize the electricity sector and encourage participation by the relevant stakeholders, the South African parliament has approved a bill to revise the electricity law. The Electricity Regulation Act Amendment Bill seeks to open the electricity market to private players and enable them to engage in the business of transmission, generation, and distribution of power. The bill also seeks to tackle other persistent issues plaguing the industry, such as theft and vandalism of power infrastructure.”
Bowmans Law Firm:” This is a significant step towards the Bill being passed into law, therefore amending the Electricity Regulation Act 4 of 2006, the primary piece of legislation governing the generation, transmission, distribution, reticulation, trading and the import and export of electricity in South Africa. The bill is set to completely overhaul the electricity supply industry in South Africa with the establishment of a hybrid or multi-market model, comprising market transactions, physical bilateral transactions and regulated transactions.”
Ana Hajduka Shields, CEO of Africa GreenCompany: “The Electricity Regulation Act Amendment Bill has been approved…. It seeks to amend the electricity Regulations Act, 2006, and provides for a range of provisions to strengthen the electricity market and ensure energy security in SA.”
The Law Explorer: “The Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill seeks to strengthen the role of the National Energy Regulator of SA, as well as the provisions related to licensed and exempted activities, and provides for an open market platform that will allow for competitive elected trading. We shine a light on regulatory change.”
Picture: EN365