Young scientists now have a Guide to Science Clubs, thanks to a range of stakeholders in the science fraternity including Eskom, the Departments of Education, Science and Innovation, the National Research Foundation (NRF), ASTEMI (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics Innovations Olympiad and Competitions).
A downloadable 19-paged guide titled “Discover Your Future” provides details of how young scientists can join science clubs.
Science Clubs are mentor-based initiatives, connecting teachers to small groups of learners.
Fun learning, talking, experimental design and raising awareness of science and related work, dominate activities in clubs.
Clubs may be the same, but vary in resources and focus, some have interest in Mathematics, Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Computer Science.
Guided activities are plastic bottle experiments, paper helicopter, geology, paleontology, soil sciences, chemistry and physics experiments, MathsArt, Coding and Robotics activities and more.
The “Discover Your Future” Guide is downloadable on this link:
Picture: Eskom Expo